Stephen Dansiger

psyd mft


Punk drummer then Songwriter then Dharma Practitioner then Social Justice Educator then EMDR/Trauma/Addiction Therapist then Author/Podcaster now simultaneously...

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May 26 - Mental Health Month 2021: Clinical Dharma - Care for the Helpers and Healers by Promises Behavioral Health

I am thrilled to be partnering with Promises Behavioral Health to celebrate Mental Health Month virtually on May 26, 2021 from 12PM – 1PM EDT / 9AM – 10AM PDT. This past year, we have all become caregivers for each other through the still ongoing challenges of the pandemic. Professional Caregivers need to be mindful of their own mental, emotional and spiritual health. Clinical Dharma, the implementation of the original formulations of the historical Buddha and Buddhist psychology as a self care plan, creates a sustainable path for the healer and helper. It provides a framework for obtaining and maintaining balance and the ability to process in the midst of difficulty. I look forward to honoring Mental Health Month with you as I present on Clinical Dharma: Care for the Helpers and Healers.

Click through to register on Eventbrite.